Saram Foundation

Saram Foundation Brand Renewal 2024

Saram Foundation developed a new brand identity with BATON to more effectively convey their brand mission: Running mate who shares the courageous challenge of human rights activists. Saram Foundation joins hands to build a world where everyone can stand up for human rights without hesitation.

Station Saram

Station Saram, built by the Saram Foundation, provides a symbolic meeting point where human rights activists and people can connect and engage in dialogue.

The entrance of the Station Saram building features a Donor's Wall, which displays the names of the donors who contributed to its construction.

The Wall symbolizes the collective effort of individuals coming together to overcome barriers. It conveys a sense of unity and hope, reminding us that we can overcome any obstacle when we work together.

Saram Foundation Brand Renewal 2024

Client. Saram Foundation
Format. Brand Identity & Website & Application & Signage
Date. 2023.05-2024.03

Art Direction & Design. Ari Lee
Design. Jihye Lee, Seunghee Han
Planning. Jihye Lee
Assist. Minkyoung Yi
Photography. Mihyun Son, Jihye Lee

Design. Yuyoung Ko, Yujin Oh
Planning. Jibin Kim, Jiho Hong, Yi-Hyeon Hwang

Saram Foundation